Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Forever My Always

On the eve of our 4th anniversary, on this day 4 years ago I remember..

Spending this evening with my favorite people.

Riding around with Rebekah Jane and getting pulled over by a state trooper. ha!
Going to Mama Rooks for a surprise wedding shower with Hannie, Kerry, Kammer, Mama, Pook, Bri, and my Ma.
Pound cake. Mama's Pound cake.

I remember heading back to Kammer's for a night spent in the living room laughing until our eyes were closed. Rebekah in the recliner, and me on the couch.

I remember a 6am wake up call - a quick shower and then off to the salon where sweet Kayla met me to make sure my hair was perfect. I remember Danielle coming to also make sure  my make up was the same.

I remember wearing Rebekah's pearls, and Miss Dolly's ring.

I remember a surprise watch delivered by Rebekah from Jake with the time set to the time we would be married, and a letter from my future husband I still have and treasure. I remember that one on one time with Beck - she never left my side that 24 hours before we married, and I cherish those memories.

I remember Emy and Eva coming to hang before the vows.

I remember Alfie asking me what music I wanted played during the ceremony and me telling him to pick whatever. So I walked out to LEGS by ZZ Top. "SHE'S GOT LEGSSSSS!"

I remember seeing the sweet smiling face of man who wanted to marry me. Who was going to promise me forever in front of our closest friends and fam.

I remember not even hearing any of the words we were speaking as in my head everything was silent and almost moving in slow motion as I soaked that moment in. A moment I had longed for, one I prayed hard for as I learned to be content in my singleness. Finally the other half of the plan for my life was here. It was just the beginning.

If you know our story - you know that our marriage started out quickly and with some tough circumstances. It wasn't what the world would call "ideal" but it was perfect. It was a gift.

Still is a gift.

Jacob, I love you.

Thank you for the last 4 years of marriage and 5 years of fun. Thank you for loving me even when I'm unlovable. For two children who bring much joy. Thank you for coming to every volleyball game, Arnold Palmer's from the cooler, and driving around neighborhoods on date night so we can just dream about the future. My favorite thing to do is dream with you.

Thank you for seeking Jesus first, for being authentic, and ever so compassionate even when it's hard.

Four years has come and gone so quickly - and in all the busy you are home.
You are my safe place.

Thank you for loving me so good.

Happy Anniversary Baby!