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"I want to touch him! I want to touch him!" -Eva Mae |
I don't know if I'm just overly emotional, or if has to do with the fact that I am a girl, but this picture leaves me speechless and on a few occasions has rendered me to tears....
God is good.
I feel blessed beyond measure that I was able to witness this, to be a part of this family.
These are my people. People that have poured wisdom and truth into my life, along with a significant amount of love. Through a year that was filled with uncertainty and change, they've been a constant. Reminding me that God is bigger than the boogie man and kicking me in the butt when I chose self pity over God's joy. I can't begin to describe how thankful I am that God wove them into the plan for my life. To even think about still being in Gainesville where I would have missed out on this support and these relationships saddens me greatly. God knew.
And along with God, Alfred knew. He does that. A lot. Ask him sometime, he'll tell you about it.
When I first made the decision to come home, selfishly I thought "My family needs me". When really it wasn't that I was needed, but that I needed. I needed the support and listening ears that Kami, Alfred, Heather, and Scooter provided. I needed the tough love that they were oh so good at giving. And I needed the friendship that they had to offer. Every bit of what Christ uses them for, I needed.
God uses his people in the lives of his people. It may sound like I'm talking in circles, but it's never rang more true in my life than it has the last year. Kami, Alfred, Heather, and Scooter have become family. How awesome is it that as God's people, we are family. They took that literally, as we all should, and took me in as if I had been a part of their lives for years.
I've laughed, cried, and laughed some more with these people, my people.
Galations 6:2 says "Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ." -- They took on my pain and hurt with me.
1 Timothy 2:10 says "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them, intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them." -- Not only did they pray with me, but I know they consistently prayed for me and my family.
1 John 3:18 says "Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." -- They did that. Kami, Alfred, Heather, and Scooter exemplify Christ's love. Unconditional and unending.
I find myself unable to conclude this entry....mostly because I feel like there is so much more I can say. Not only have they shown me more kindness than is explainable, but they've shown me how to love like Jesus, taught me that compassion is where it's at, and that forgiveness is absolutely necessary to walk hand in hand with the big Guy up stairs.
Thank you Kami for wisdom, reassurance, crunchy tuna, and countless giggles.
Thank you Heather for walking with me all that time ago, for candy corn and peanuts, and listening when I needed an ear.
Thank you Scooter for telling me like it is.
And thank you Alfie for always being right.
I love you! You're my people.