I'm coming at you this morning after church, farmer's market shopping, family lunch, and before heading to life group... it's been a busy Sunday.
Headed home from church Jake and I were talking about our finances, and we were frustrated. We both seem to ask the same question, "Where does the money go?!" We're young, and we're paying off the mistakes of credit card mishaps now as we are married. Much of that credit card expense was not spent carelessly but provided fixing of a vehicle when needed, an emergency c-section for a dog we didn't know was pregnant, a truck payment when Jake's surgery cost us more than what we had, and a few other things that were out of our control..but we're still paying them now nonetheless.
We are not frivolous spenders, and we feel like we are trying our hardest to get ahead the right way. We haven't walked away from any debt, and are really working hard to pay it off as quickly as we can. Both of us are working beyond our full time jobs to make some extra money to try and speed that up, we are extremely open with each other and are constantly communicating before, during, and after we spend any amount of money. And yet, we still feel like we can't get ahead.
Obedience. God calls us to obedience. And he is faithful. So faithful.
As easy as it is to look at our finances negatively, we are trying to look at the upside. EVERY bill, debt, and need was met that needed to be met for this pay period. (And has been met for every pay period before..even when we didn't know how it would, it got covered.) We didn't have to put anything on credit and we were able to buy our plane tickets to Wisconsin at an AWESOME price (366 TOTAL round trip) without putting them on a credit card. We filled our gas tanks and our fridge and freezer are full of enough food to get us through until the next check rolls through.. We are taken care of. We have been provided for. We are okay.
Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has it's own worries.. (Matthew 6:34)
In Matthew 6: 25-24 Jesus teaches about worry, and it comes down to seeking first HIS kingdom, and HE will give us everything we need. He knows our needs, he knows the status of our debts, he is aware of our bank accounts and how much or how little we may have. It's no surprise to him. He asks us to focus on today, and to seek Him first above all else.
God is good. He provides.
It's hard when you want so much, but feel like you're never going to get there.
BUT, perspective...
Jobs? We have those. Ones that provide health benefits, PLENTY of vacation time which means opportunity for more schooling or other jobs and hobbies for added income and fun!
Cars? Two that can reliably get us where we need to go!
House? One in a prime location with a fantastic yard and so much potential. We've had so much fun updating it together. Plus in a few years we'll get to buy it!
Each other... yeeeeah it's sappy. But it's true. I've got a husband who loves me more than I could ever fathom, who encourages me and forces me to see the bright side of everything. Even on the dreary days, he provides all the smiles.
And the most important thing.. Jesus? DUH! And he meets EVERY need!
So I wrote that last Sunday, and never posted it. And since that Sunday God has blessed us even more so than just covering our needs, he went above and beyond.
God is good, and oh so faithful.
Seek HIS Kingdom first, and the he will provide EVERY need and many of the wants that are best for you.. ;)
Thank you for consistently meeting every need. You know the number of hairs on our heads, you knew what we'd struggle with before you created the Earth, and you love us with an immeasurable love. Help us to trust you in every circumstance, no matter how desolate some may seem. You are good, all the time.