Sunday, September 18, 2011

Throw your map out the window.

Here's the thing. I'm a girl. I have a lot of ideas about how my life should be. I have so many plans that I can't even enjoy where I'm at in life, because I'm so focused on how to get to the future that I've had planned since I was 5. Or at least I used to.

Here's what I've learned.

My plans are just that, MINE. Do you know where my plans got me? To a college 3 hours away from the support system I needed, majoring in a subject that was more stressful than satisfying and, surrounded by temptation that I gave into, time and time again. My plans produced failure, frustration, and immense amounts of hurt.

The best thing I ever did was throw the map that I had drawn, in the trash. 

I picked up the only map I knew would lead me home. God's word. 

There's a whole lot to my story. And I don't even know the ending, except I do.

God's Kingdom. That's my ending. That's my plan. That's what I'm striving for.

Everything else is temporary and insignificant.

For the first time ever. I can say and truly believe that I'm ok. I'm right where God has me, as he has me. I don't know where I'll be in 5 years, or even in 2 years for that matter. What I know, is that I am held in the palm of my Creator's hand and that he has a map drawn that will lead me home. 

When you're young people ask, what do you want to be? But the truth is, that doesn't matter. It's all about who's you are. I am Christ's child. Through that, I will become what I am to be, because I will be exactly what he created me for. What I have a hard time wrapping my mind around is that it doesn't matter what "that" is. It doesn't matter what I am because if I am seeking Christ, I will be fulfilling the purpose that was set for me before the earth was formed. 

He is satisfaction.

You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy. Psalm 63:5

He satisfies more than the richest feast, so why are we still eating at McDonalds?

What's it going to take for us to fully grasp that he is the ultimate everything. Our voids cannot be filled with the natural, but only with the supernatural. 

Satisfaction means meeting expectations, fulfilling needs and desires.

Christ fulfills every need, quenches every desire, and meets every expectation.

To be honest, I never really understood that, until now. And even when Satan throws doubt at me, I can cast him out and proclaim that my satisfaction is found in my Jesus and that his deception to make me believe otherwise is futile. For even when my flesh doubts, my soul states that I am whole in my Jesus. 

And that, ladies and Gentleman, is all that matters. 

Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Psalm 90:14


  1. I love this girl! "everything else is temporary and insignificant" that is such a true statement. This past week I have been struggling with just the pure fact of, "am I really doing the right thing?" with school and just life in general. Of course these thoughts had came to mind because I didn't do to hot on my first portuguese exam. It was just the devil trying to get into my mind and take over. He is really good at this! One thing we always have to remember is even though we may not always succeed initially, if we continue to give it our all and just TRUST in HIM, he will take care of all of it! He has the plans to EVERYTHING, we just have to let go and let him control as he unfolds that map! Love you!

  2. You are absolutely correct!! He's awesome, we just have to daily remember that he is what is important...and that if our focus is right, we're golden. Things will fall into place, just as they should be. Love you, Mel!

  3. It blesses me beyond measure to hear these words of wisdom from a girl that is only 23 ..going on 24....WHAT you will accomplish for our Lord is indeed -- something I can't wait to see. Opps, wait - I am already seeing the impact you have on the ones around you and as your ma -- GOD I can't help but say .THANK YOU Lord. You are indeed HIS. I can' wait to see how HE will go EXCEEDINGLY and BEYOND within your life. Love you - ma
