Thursday, June 26, 2014

Delight in the Unexpected

I've talked in circles about learning to let God lead. I've spent my life making plans, only for them to be rearranged or obliterated by the Big Guy upstairs.

I'm finding more and more that when I remember that he is all satisfying, the plans are already written, and that I don't have to know it all - life is fun. Life is exciting! Life is exactly what God wants it to be for us, a purposeful, exciting experience. Not one that we dread or fear. Recognizing that frees us up from the anxiety of it all!

He's a great God. One who placed desires and dreams in us that he has great plans to fulfill. Sometimes we get upset, frustrated, and impatient in the waiting.. But that's where we grow. That's when we learn to trust and stand on his promise that he has great plans for those who love him.

Up to this point, life hasn't really gone the way I thought it would.. And that used to bother me. Now I'm incredibly thankful for it. My inability to see the whole picture clouds my judgement. By trusting the God who wrote my plan, I can rest assured that he wrote a pretty freaking good one.

For the first time ever I can honestly say without any fear or anxiety, but only with excitement, that I have NO IDEA where this life will take me. Who the heck knows?! (HE does) and he's the only one that needs to. I'm happy to be pleasantly surprised.

God is good. ALL the time.

He's pretty freaking cool.

So if you're currently frustrated with your situation... Remember that life is exactly what you make it. Even in the darkest of times we can find Joy in knowing Jesus. Remember that he is growing you for a greater purpose, that much of what you're going through now is going to help you speak into others lives. You will make a difference. Your story matters. - Remember to delight in the unexpected. God is a God of surprises.. Live day by day and let him do that! Don't think too far into the future, tomorrow has worries of its own.

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