Saturday, July 9, 2011


I finally feel like I'm at a place where I'm content.

I'm ok, right here. Right where God has me, as he has me.

NEVER have I been able to say that and actually mean it.

There is a key in the line above..."AS he has me.." Many times I feel like we feel okay about where God has placed us, but we feel as if we should have more, whether it be certain relationships, certain careers, etc. So many times I find myself seeking seeking seeking something more more more...when really what I need to do is simply Stop. Look around. And be thankful for where God has me and how he has me there.

I encourage you to BE content. Not to just say you are, but actually BE it. Don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has worries of its own. Don't plan your entire life when God had it written before he created Earth....let him Lead. Let him be God.

When you let God be God....he surprises you.

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