Monday, December 30, 2013

Bring on 2014!

Ahh, the obligatory new year post. 

Crazy to think that it was a year ago that I posted about the exciting stuff that was going to happen for me in 2013..being that I didn't follow through and blog quite as much as I would have liked to in 2013, I'm going to do a little recap...

2013 was HUGE. So many things happened but I'm going to highlight a few of my favorites...

I coached my first season at OHS.. and let me tell you, for a team that wasn't supposed to go anywhere this season..making it to a Regional Semifinal ain't half bad. I loved every bit of it, even the struggle, stress, and sometimes hard situations, just added to accomplishment felt when growth was made and shown. 

Pretty sure this was against South Fork the second time.. my absolute favorite game of the season. We were expected to lose, and the girls came out swinging. Beat those bulldogs to the ground. 

On top of coaching at OHS, I graduated from FAU and landed a job teaching at the high school right across the hall from dear old Dad :) teaching the exact same thing... Crazy  right?! The first picture listed is my classroom the day I got my keys... it felt so surreal that it was MY classroom. (Obviously said by the snapchat ;) The second picture was last night after Mom and I spent a few hours there. If you're a broke, recent college graduate who has to decorate a classroom with all the supplies you DON'T have and CAN'T afford...ask your Mom. They're pretty handy at stuff like that. Mine found old Maps in the classroom, ripped up an old Atlas,  and Wah-Lah! A decorated wall that looks flippin awesome! - And the third pic is one of my cap.. my first completed Pinterest project, but mine looked WAY better, of course. 

Also added some Dr. Seuss to the wall, half to bring that Elementary degree in somehow. 

2014 brings a whole bag of challenges and new chapters. I'm really starting my career. It's insane how fast college flies by, when in the process of earning that degree, the light at the end of the tunnel is about as noticeable as a star on a cloudy night. It's never there and then all of a sudden, BAM you're on stage shaking someones hand and receiving a degree that you've stressed, sweat, and cried over. 

I'm an elementary Major embarking on a career in 11th grade American History. Only 5 years ago I was sitting in one of the seats I'll be teaching to. NUTS. In 2014 I want to be a teacher that touches lives and inspires students to seriously shoot for the stars. As cliche as it sounds, I became a teacher because I wanted to help kids see their potential, to help them understand that no matter where they come from or how much money they do or don't have, they have an opportunity to be great, if only they work to achieve it. (The summers off were a bonus as well.) 

2013 also included a trip to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving. To say I had a good time would be the understatement of the year, the trip was as awesome as going to Disney for the first time when you're 5. It was FREEZING and I loved it! There was snow, tons of snow... and lots of Aunts and Uncles to spoil me, feed me, and convince me to move to WI. And honestly... if not for coaching and this job at the HS, I would consider it. (That's another thing I've realized this year, anything is possible! Even moving across the country! Not that I plan to anytime soon, but you never know.) Here are some pics from the trip..

There were 100+ people at the Peirick Thanksgiving - so it included a nice cake and some congratulations on graduation and lob landing :)

Taken right after arrival, waiting on Auntie Dee to pick me up. By the time she got there my nose was numb.
Random adventures with Uncle DJ and Jordan. 
YES I have an Aunt Kristi and Uncle Chris who are married to each other. I love them.

This little man was attached to me the entire time. Every morning I heard his little feet coming down the stairs to the basement to wake me up.. "Tale-Uh, can you wake up now??" He showered me with kisses and snuggles all week. 
This was just behind my Aunt's house, after the snow came we made use of it, sledding was so fun!

In 2014, I want to make it to Wisconsin at least twice. I figure having a solid income will allow me to travel a bit more. So I plan to... I'd also like to make it to NY to visit Jaiden. It's no fun when your cousin/best friend moves across the country. Not having her in FL SUCKS. 

2013 also came with a John Mayer Concert - that was FANTASTIC. I'd like to see him again in 2014, along with Gavin Degraw, and Katy Perry. ( I know, drastically different artists, but I think Katy would be so fun) - On top of that, I'm really wanting to take a road trip. Laughing with the two ladies in the picture below, is one of my favorite things. Friends since we were 4 and still close as ever.. I recognize that friendship like this is a rarity, and I'm so thankful for it. - Allison and Mel have been around forever, and so have Angela, Rebekah, and Sarah. I'm so thankful for them and that we're still close despite that our lives are constantly changing. Emy and Raychie are the "newest" friends in my circle, and I'm so glad to have them. They too will be around forever. Friendship is such a blessing. I'm counting on road trips, concerts, movies, and more fun in 2014 with all of these ladies. 

So this blog has become a recap of 2013/what I want for 2014 :)

I want to be a good teacher, coach, and friend. I want to spend much of my time laughing with my favorite people, and pursuing every dream I can. Most importantly, I want to spend more time seeking Jesus, and the plans he has for me. 2013 taught me what it really meant to love God's plan, and to do away with the worrying. There's no point to it! Seeking him and trusting that he really does have it all together makes for a less stressful existence. - I'll read more of his word and write down what he tells me through it. (While assuredly consuming a nice cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee.)

And YES I'm going to be a cliche when it comes to resolutions for the new year... but what I won't be is one that doesn't follow through. Quite simply, I want to get fit. I dabbled in Crossfit this year, and due to lack of time and funding wasn't able to commit like I wanted to. But Come January 7th (school starts, back from cruise, routine starts) the prodigal daughter is coming back to her Crossfit family!. I want to lift heavier, run further, and just do more than I could before. 

One last thing - this year I'm going to try and be more thankful. I am beyond blessed in EVERY area of my life, and sometimes it's easy to forget and whine about what I might not have yet. I'm going to do my best to keep those moments down to a minimum, because in all reality life is good, God is greater, and to wallow in the "I wants" is stupid. 

2013 was more than good to me, but I'm ready to kick some major butt in 2014! So many good things to come, and hopefully unlike last year, I'll document them a little better via this blog. 

Happy New Year! 

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