Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holla at your girl, the graduate!

Who's got two thumbs and is now an Alum of FAU?!


December 12th, 2013 was a good day, scratch that, a GREAT flippin' day. A day marked with accomplishment. I not only crossed a stage but a finish line. Before that the only major finish line I had crossed was the one that brought High School to an end.. But, it's not the last stage I'll cross in my college career. I fully intend on pursuing a Masters in something.. I'm just not sure what for.

The plan now is to teach and keep seeking the big guy for the rest of the instructions. Scary to not have an exact map laid out of how this new chapter of my life is supposed to go.. but I've learned that that's quite alright :) 

In the last few months I've come to a realization... one that has absolutely altered my outlook on life. I go on and on about God's plan, how it's perfect, and that I'm so excited about it, trusting that God has the best ideas on how my chapters should play out. But the thing is, as humans we tend to have our preconceived ideas of how our lives should go, down to specific situations and life events. We write these details in our minds like authors telling a story. Especially women. We have thought about cooking Thanksgiving dinner for our families, down to conversations we'll have with our Mother in Law about how the sweet potatoes may need a tad more brown sugar. We've named our children and then decided which team-sports we'll sign them up for and how we won't yell embarrassingly from the sidelines like our own parents did.. (though we totally will). We've thought about the way our friends will react when we tell them we're pregnant.. or how our husbands will act when we tell them we want to go back to school (you know, for that Masters you weren't sure about a few years back). 

We think in moments..because of this, many times we think about how/what decisions will get us closer to those moments we fantasized about. - The thing is, if we worry about how or what we have to do to go about getting the desired "moment", we spend all our time over thinking and lose focus on what's important. And what is important, is keeping our focus on the big guy. The thing is, God has a plan, and what will be will be regardless of our manipulating. We don't have to worry about what decisions will get us to a certain point or place that we want to be. If we are actively pursuing a relationship with the God who wrote our plan, we'll make the right decisions because the Holy Spirit will make them apparent. It takes a huge weight off of our shoulders when we recognize that focusing on Jesus allows the plan to fall into place without all the worry or anxiety. 

When I read back through old posts, I can see and feel the struggle I had with accepting God's plan. 

I don't anymore, not at all.

Cheers to the next Chapter - and all the unplanned moments it will include.

Ohhhhhh and, Go Owls! ;)  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent ....loved reading this - LOVE you - the most....!
