Tuesday, December 31, 2013

14 things for 2014

1. See Gavin Degraw in concert

2. Road trip to Wilmington, NC to visit some of the places One Tree Hill was filmed 

3. Build up my "teacher wardrobe"

4. Snowboard with Jaiden in NY

5. Run some type of organized race

6. Take my Varsity girls to the state tournament

7. Blade 20 miles consecutively 

8. Deadlift more than 200lbs

9. GO TO THE BEACH - Crazy I live in FL and didn't go ONE TIME this year.. it's a shame. 

10. Buy and learn to use a DSLR Camera! (Specifically the Canon Rebel Ti3) 

11. Drink around the world at Epcot 

12. Go to Sea World for FREE as an Educator (multiple times of course)

13. Run a mile without stopping (hence the race, should probably accomplish this before signing up for one)

14. Go to the midnight premier of Divergent at City Place to the theater with the seats that move like a roller coaster!

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